Cant disable page break view (ie no "normal" view)
Ive been looking for a native RTF editor to replace my beloved iA Writer, since my editors work directly with RTF. The process of exporting from iA Writer as RTF and bringing back into iA when they edit is a drag. I found and loved Write 2, but I noticed that it ALWAYS displays page breaks and does so with a *big* white space. I write for magazines and websites for a living, so a page break based on the paper loaded in my printer doesnt make any sense. I contacted the developer via his site and asked where the setting was to turn off this view, in other words to make it work like the Normal view in Word.
His reply was that Write 2 is a RTF editor so displays page breaks. Since RTF has nothing to do with displaying page breaks, I sent him screen shots of TextEdit and WriteRoom displaying the same document without showing the page break.
He replied "show me that same thing in Pages." Pages, of course is not an RTF editor and there are hundreds of people complaining in threads on Apples formus about the inablity to turn off page break display in Pages.
Its fine for a developer to not want to implmenent a feature. It just means that the application isnt suitable for me as a user. Its very strange for him to claim that the issue is something thats not at all related to his reluctance to add this feature.
davidjs about
Write 2 - The word processor in simple, fast, and powerful